Thursday, July 3, 2008

my greatest strength and greatest weakness

I have learned much during this internship. I have learned about my strengths, and I have learned about my weaknesses. My greatest strength is my ability to reflect on my expereince and the word of God, to combine them, and to create something new and inspiring. Unfortunately, this is my greatest weakness as well. It is difficult for a poet to be a pastor. Because a poet lives in his mind a pastor must reach outside of himself to truly know his parishoners. If I try I can get in my pastor "mode" when I am completely focused on the other person. The problem is usually I am usually in the poet mode. So sometimes I can stare off into space thinking about a sermon, a world issue, someone I know who is hurting, or my own life. And I am percieved as being disconnected and uncaring when I do this. To train myself to easily switch back and forth between these two different mindsets is my greatest task. But I will not do it alone. I certainly need a more in depth prayer life